Urgent Action Before the UN Summit of the Future
Serve this notice & declaration to the UN & your government. Demand that your voice is heard BEFORE the exclusive 'Summit of the Future' 21-23 Sept 2024.
The UN Needs To Be Held Accountable
Against the standing authority, the UN is unlawfully appropriating to manage real or engineered emergencies, outlined in its ‘Common Agenda’.
During the Covid-19 chapter, the UN was fully aware of human rights abuses around the world. This includes draconian lockdowns, state violence, poverty and destructive social crisis. The UN failed to highlight and emphasize the international law criteria that the World Council for Health outlined in its legal brief: Preventing The Abuse of States of Emergency.
Prior to the declaration of a state of emergency, the onus is on any government to show that the alleged public health crisis ‘threatens the life of the nation’ - and that this threat meets the following international law criteria: The threat to the life of the nation must:
Be Actual or Imminent
Involve the whole nation;
Place the continuation of the organised life of society at risk of extinction; and
Be so extraordinary that ordinary measures for protecting public health and order are clearly inadequate.
These criteria were not met for Covid-19. International law was violated.
The UN is NOT Upholding Its Obligations
The United Nations and member state delegates are obligated to uphold public participation in decision-making, complete transparency in processes, human rights such as dignity, fundamental freedoms such as free speech, and established tenets of international law.
Due to a lack of comprehensive public participation on the UN Secretary-General’s Common Agenda document, and the Pact for the Future, which may be discussed and adopted at the Summit of the Future, WCH Canada insists that this Declaration of Invalidity, Statement of Dispute, and Urgent Objection are included in the discussions of and report on the Summit of the Future, intended for 20-23 September 2024.
They Broke International Law
Regarding the United Nations Political Declaration on pandemics (2023):
The U.N held its SDG Summit and its 78th General Assembly during September 2023. At the top of its agenda for the 19th and 20th, was, inter alia, the adoption of a high level political declaration on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Very little about this declaration is known to the public, if at all.
The declaration was due to be adopted via ‘silence procedure’: If a country’s delegate did not object to the declaration, they would be deemed to accept it in full. This silent procedure is a tool that is clearly a dangerous and undemocratic practice.
Dated 17 September 2023, 11 countries sent a three page letter to the UN GA president Dennis Francis and UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres, objecting to unilateral coercive measures and violations of human rights and international law.
Ignoring the official letter to the United Nations, the WHO Director-General Adhanom Tedros Ghebreyesus said:
“As you know, the 193 Member States of the United Nations approved the political declaration on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”
Meanwhile, unperturbed by what 11 member states delegates communicated in the letter, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said:
“By next year’s World Health Assembly in May, I urge all countries to deliver a strong, comprehensive pandemic accord, focused on equity; as well as amendments to strengthen the International Health Regulations. And I urge you to support the World Health Organization, including by honouring the commitment to increase assessed contributions to half of its budget, and supporting the proposed investment round.”
By violating its own silence procedure, the UN is acting against the law.
The silence procedure on the Declaration on Future Generations has been broken. The UN has not made transparent which countries voiced objections to the Declaration. Civil society has a right to know which countries have objected.
Our Demand
We demand that both the Pact for the Future (and its annexes) plus the Common Agenda are withdrawn entirely at the upcoming Summit for the Future. Should this not happen, member state delegates, who answer to the people of the countries they represent, must reject these documents outright. They must not be intimidated for doing so, as was the case at the WHO’s World Health Assembly 77 in May this year, with regards to the IHR 2005.
Take Action
Read the full notice to send to the UN: (Read Here)
View the full list of UN representatives by member states to know who to address your notice to. (Read Here) - The Canadian Representative is Mr. Robert Rae.
To send these to Ambassador Bob Rae use his office contact information. (Click Here)
The Summit of The Future will be in session starting September 20th, 2024
Time is limited but it is still possible to get this done and make a huge impact. Let's Unite & Contact Representatives Today!
I tried sending the proposed letter but your server says that my postal code is invalid and won’t allow it to be sent. I put in the correct postal code, the one I have used on everything I have in regard to mail for the past 15 years since I moved into this location. I want to help but I can’t if it doesn’t allow me to send my response
I do not have any links to send the letter!
Me and my wife sent the bill c-293 no problem but this one is not properly set up to send that I can see🥲