Jason Christoff: Financial Insights For Canadians Part One
Canadians face financial struggles, but grassroots solutions offer hope beyond government’s failed top-down efforts.
Grassroots solutions for Canadians
Many Canadians are struggling financially and although our Prime Minister has offered some small tax breaks during this 2024 holiday season, it amounts to nothing more than a public relations campaign for the Liberal party. Yes, it's time to rejoice.....Chairman Trudeau is giving Canadians some of their hard-earned money back. How did we get here and what can we do about this third-class ride into the abyss, which the Canadian government is organizing for all of us.
I believe Canadians are understanding more now than ever before, that no public friendly solutions are going to come from the top down. This is why grass roots movements are exploding all across Canada (and the world), to build parallel support systems. This is happening in Canada and across the planet, because what government is offering Canadians is falling well short of what we need to lead healthy and happy lives.
Facing Canada’s Financial Reality
In a nutshell, that's the first step to solving any financial challenge. You must be honest with yourself and get a true lay of the land. Although this sounds logical and rational, very few are ready to face the harsh reality of our unique Canadian financial challenges. Canada is set to have the worst economy, of all advanced economies, for the next 40 years. This is now statistical fact, forwarded by various experts in the economic field.
That's a big problem and if you start looking over the books in Canada, it appears that all of this has been done purposely. Throughout history, hard line governments (groups obsessed with power) have only been able to exert tyrannical control over a population by purposely destroying the power base of the citizenry. Financial power is just such a target for tyrannical governments. Financial power held by the citizens provides options for large tracts of the public to sidestep any attempt of power-hungry bureaucrats to turn most of the population into nothing more than human tax generators. Like all abusive relationships, the abuser likes to stay in full control. That usually means keeping the abused person with as little money, power and options as possible.
That's a truer lay of the land than the CBC (the Canadian broadcasting/brainwashing corporation) is giving the Canadian public. Canadians are currently in a very abusive relationship with a chronic abuser, who dominates them by keeping them as weak as possible.
Change Requires Action
Although the CBC is supported by government funding to the tune of $1.4 billion dollars (that's 1400 million dollars) less than 3.9% of Canadians actually watch the CBC and almost no Canadians trust what they're being told by any mainstream news source. The truth is simple. Canadians are not being represented in government and the government propaganda wing isn't going to be educating Canadians as to what's really happening anytime soon. No one is coming to save you. It's even worse than that. If you don't save yourself, you're going to slip under the water line faster than you could ever imagine.
Although some things documented above are shocking, most people just want some simple solutions to their financial hardships. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions, which I can easily explain. Unfortunately, those simple solutions involve CHANGING YOUR HABITS and that's something the human nervous system is documented NOT TO ENJOY. Everyone wants change but very few people want to change. It's just the way humans are hardwired.
Redirect Spending, Transform Life
At this point in time, most people have zero disposable income. That reality takes any long-term investment strategies off the table. If that's where you are, there's only one route to safety you can take. You must stop investing in destroying your own happiness and money generating potential. What that really means is that you need to stop paying to poison yourself by your own hand. You need to divert your death budget into what it takes to live a better life, even if it's only $5 per day. Almost everyone has a budget for destroying themselves and that's where lots of their disposable income is going. There's your simple answer. You need to change your mind first before you can change your life.
I'll continue with this topic in the next article. This will be a short series. As for a common poison that destroys health, happiness and the ability to think clearly......let's watch this 40 second clip below. Focus on what's said about brain function. I'll follow up with you in 1 week. Don't ever think small savings can't add up to big investment wins, as $1000 invested in bitcoin in 2010 would be worth over $400 million CAD today. Are there investments out there like that today or did you lose out forever? No, you haven't lost out. There are always great investments to be had, you just need a tiny bit of money and to learn from the right people.
Jason Christoff is a Canadian health advocate, educator, and expert in behavioral psychology, widely recognized for his outspoken stance on medical freedom and his insights into the psychological impact of media on public perception. With a background in health sciences and psychology, Christoff has spent years studying how societal behaviors are influenced by media and authority, particularly during times of crisis.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Christoff emerged as a prominent voice in global health debates, speaking at COVID hearings and conferences around the world, including influential platforms such as the Romanian Palace of Parliament, The US Senate, The European Parliament and The Japanese Parliament. His focus on exposing the effects of media mind control and the manipulation of public behavior has resonated with those concerned about governmental overreach and the suppression of alternative perspectives on health and freedom.
Christoff's work highlights the importance of critical thinking and individual autonomy in the face of widespread propaganda. Through his speeches, writings, and public appearances, he continues to advocate for personal responsibility, informed decision-making, and a greater understanding of the psychological techniques used to influence society.
In the end of 2019 the month was November I was watching a podcast the CEO of the company was showing a product that they would release in the near future and it got me interested in investing in there company so over the next few weeks I deep dived into the company and decided to invest some of my savings at the start of 2020 plandemic over that year the company did a 10 X so my wife wanted to start investing in it all so because with the non stop research I was doing it looked likely the company would 10 X again over this decade thank goodness we invested because I believe what you stated about Canada and most of the western countries are in the same boat unfortunately so to speak!🥲